How Just Transition can help deliver the Paris Agreement

There is a new report from the UNDP that unpacks why a just transition is central to delivering the Paris Agreement and Sustainable Development Goals, analysing key global and regional trends, and exploring what a just transition means for UNDP’s work.

To achieve the global climate targets set forth in the Paris Agreement, a green transition to a net-zero future is essential. However, if the necessary socioeconomic transformation is poorly handled, it could lead to greater social inequality, exclusion, discontent, and less competitive enterprises, industries, and markets. Nation-states’ Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and Long-Term Strategies (LTS), which outline their short- and long-term climate strategies, are increasingly recognizing these concerns and taking measures to incorporate a just and equitable transformation of their economy.

Although the idea of a just transition is frequently used to promote social justice and equity in climate action, there is no single definition that is agreed upon globally, and perceptions differ among nations and regions. Just transition is mainly about concept, procedure, and practice, according to UNDP. Therefore, the framework for UNDP’s assistance entails raising country knowledge of the fundamentals of a just transition, enhancing their capacity to participate in just transition processes, and creating capacity to put just transition practices into effect.

According to a UNDP analysis, as of October 31, 2022, 38% of NDCs, 56% of LTS, and an increasing number of high-profile international projects included just transition principles. But there is still work to be done.

Click here to read more and to download the report.